A Tracers Novel (Book 11) by Laura Griffin, Pocket Books/Simon & Schuster, January 2017.
An e-galley was provided by Pocket Books/Simon & Schuster and Edelweiss for an honest review.
At Close Range by Laura Griffin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
AT CLOSE RANGE is the eleventh book in the TRACER SERIES by Laura Griffin. A fitting sequel to the previous book in the series, its action-packed suspense is guaranteed to pull you into the story and keep you riveted to the very end. The characters are multidimensional and relatable, and the plot and its parts are believable. Both main characters learn a lot about themselves and each other as they track down and follow clues they hope will lead them to the actual murderer(s).
San Marcos PD Detective Danielle “Dani” Harper is the reluctant lead on a two-person homicide case. It's complicated and definitely political. The District Attorney is up for reelection and needs these murders to be solved as soon as possible, so Dani has a lot of pressure to succeed. She barely survives on gallons of coffee and little sleep as she strives to come up with a motive and a list of suspects. She fears she's not ready to lead a case, especially one where persons of interest begin to die, and she questions if she can solve the murders quickly.
Former Navy Seal Scott Black, a ballistic expert, is the chief firearms examiner for the Delphi Center, the nation's largest private forensics lab. He's also the best friend of one of Dani's older brothers and has known Dani for more than 15 years. Scott is called into the homicide case to find and process any bullets and shells found at the crime scene. He becomes the lead suspect when a 9 mm Glock is discovered fairly close to the murder site, with only his fingerprints found on the gun. Though he's never owned or borrowed a Glock, he doesn't have an air-tight alibi and can't prove he wasn't the killer. He's put on administrative leave and starts investigating the homicide case to find the real murderer(s). Dani's always had a thing for Scott and doesn't want to believe he killed the two victims. So she goes against police department policy and her own ethics to work with him.
Griffin knows how to write heightened tension and heart-pounding action scenes. The prose is never boring or repetitive, and explanation of technical information is well-written and easy to understand. This fast-paced story includes lots of twists and turns, too. So if you're looking for an exciting mystery filled with strong characters and an interesting storyline, the AT CLOSE RANGE is the perfect book for you.
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